Make the "Empty Account" of Individual Endowment Insurance Account Become Reality: Problem and Consideration; I tried to check the accounts but there are so many entries altered or crossed out that it makes one's mind boggle. 做实养老保险个人账户空账:问题与思考我试图将账目核实一下,但变更或销掉账目实在太多,真是令人头痛。
Furthermore, the employer reserve the right to allocate a certain amount of fee into the individual old-age insurance account of employees depending on its financial status and their performance. 同时,企业也可以根据自己的经营状况以及雇员在企业中的表现,灵活决定是否缴纳一定费用到职工个人的养老保险账户上。
As to the sewing machines, we would cover insurance on our own account. 关于这些缝纫机,我们将自担费用进行投保。
The management functions of establishing personal salary account, endowment insurance account and house accumulation fund account. 建立员工个人工资账户、养老保险账户、住房公积金账户的管理功能。
Opening domestic custody account for foreign exchange insurance funds, settlement account for overseas use of foreign exchange funds and securities custody accounts; 开设保险外汇资金的境内托管账户、境外外汇资金运用结算账户和证券托管账户;
Insurance& Banking: Learning vocabulary related to the world of insurance and banking ( coverage, life insurance, cash transfer, account number). 学习有关世界级的保险和银行(保险项目、人寿保险、现金转账、账号等)。
A RESEARCH OF THE APPORTION PROPORTION OF ARMYMAN S OLD-AGE INSURANCE INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT; As a result, a separate capital account and drawing account is maintained for each partner. 论军人养老保险个人账户的筹集比例因此,应为每个合伙人保有一个单独的资本账户和提用账户。
Establishing temporary endowment insurance payment account for senor people; 对一些大龄人员建立临时养老保险缴费账户;
Social Insurance Funds; The Individual Account for Healthy and The Overall Fund for Risk 个人账户保健康社会统筹保风险&兼议职工医疗保险基金统账分割
Therefore, government should support lease companies in the area of export license, credit, insurance, tax and account regulations etc. 国家应在出口经营权、信贷、保险、税收及会计法规等方面对租赁公司给予支持。
Endowment insurance pillar at enterprise account is regarded, but lack of management; 企业补充养老保险支柱得到一定重视,但缺少管理;
As an infant industry in China, insurance leaves much to be deserved in regulations and rules, which has caused a number of fraud cases and made the insurance fraud cases account for a considerable proportion in the financial field. 由于保险业在我国起步较晚,保险法律法规尚在建立健全中,因而保险诈骗案件发生数量较多,保险诈骗犯罪已成为近年来金融领域中发案率较高的犯罪。
Incentive-based Individual Medical Insurance: Medical Savings Account 医疗保险个人账户制的激励性初探
This system possesses the advantages of both the traditional pension insurance system and the personal account mode. 该制度既吸收了传统型的养老保险制度的优点,又借鉴了个人账户模式的长处;
It probe into the successful road of "Individidual Medical Insurance Account" integrated with "Dverall medical fund in all society" in our country in practice. 在实践中探索我国个人医疗账户和社会统筹相结合的成功之路。
The Data Management of Personal Social Insurance Account 浅谈社会保险个人帐户数据的管理
To improve current situation, the effective countermeasure is to design two accounting systems for the different funds on the basis of the separate management and the calculation of social insurance funds and individual account funds. 完善中国社会保险会计的根本对策是实行社会统筹与个人账户基金的分账管理和单独核算,并以此为基础按社会统筹和个人账户两种基金主体构建两套会计制度。
Analysed "Individual Medical Insurance Account" of China and Singapore 中国与新加坡个人医疗账户鉴析
The most important feature of the unit-linked insurance is the separate account. The risk of investment moves from the insurer to the insured. 由于投资连接保险最大的特点是单独设立投资账户,由保单持有人承担投资风险,保险人只是起到委托理财的作用,由此认为其转嫁了保险人的大部分风险,尤其是利率风险。
Therefore, discussing the problem of making old-age insurance individual account has important practical significance. 所以,在推进基本养老保险全国统筹的社会背景下,探讨做实个人账户的问题,具有重要的现实意义。
This article first propose skiing industry chain should be a new angle to study the mass skiing tourism safety, and take the government, the information, the mass media, the ski special insurance into account to construct the "mass skiing tourism safety system". 本文首次提出应从滑雪产业的角度研究大众滑雪旅游安全,并把政府监督、信息、大众传媒、滑雪专项保险等考虑进来,在滑雪产业链的基础上构建大众滑雪旅游安全系统。
It will also be help to relieve payments deficit by implementing the commercial insurance model of individual account and establishing the mechanisms of steady growth of revenue and so on. 改革现行个人账户的运行模式,建立财政投入稳定增长机制等将有助于缓解支付赤字。
Also the implementation of the rural cooperative medical insurance should take into account the limitations of rural medical facilities and insurance, so as to fundamentally solve the problem of poverty caused. 在实施农村合作医疗保险方面,要考虑到农村医疗设施和保险的局限性,这样才可以从根本上解决因病致贫的问题。
While the previous equity index annuity factors into account did not surrender, which makes the resulting low price of equity index annuities, did not surrender the risk of insurance companies take into account the damage caused, so the price is not obtained reasonable. 而以往的权益指数年金没有将退保因素考虑在内,这样使得得出的权益指数年金的价格偏低,没有将退保风险对保险公司所造成的损失考虑在内,所以得出的价格不合理。
The core question among the problems of our pension insurance reform is individual account. 中国基本养老保险改革存在的诸多问题中,核心是个人账户问题。
China implements now the unified old-age insurance individual account payment rate ( 8%) has neglected individual disparity in age section and the different profession income difference. 中国现在实行的统一的养老保险个人账户缴费率(8%)忽视了个人不同年龄段和不同行业的收入差异。
It deals with insurance companies 'debt account such as insurance revenue, insurance reserve and subordinated bonds, etc. In the light of macro-economic development and market positioning, this paper constructs a prediction model of premium revenue for P& C insurance companies in China. 主要涉及财险公司负债类账户的优化管理,包括保费收入、保险业务准备金和次级债务等。依据宏观经济发展情况和保险公司市场定位,构建了我国财险公司保费收入预测模型的基本框架。
According to the data from the China Insurance Regulatory Commission Web site terms, the insufficient solvency of insurance companies account for about 11.7% of the total number of insurance companies, the Insurance Solvency become a hot issue to discuss community once again. 由保监会网站上的数据来看,偿付能力不足的保险公司约占保险公司总数的11.7%,保险偿付能力再次成为社会各界讨论的热点问题。